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WoMAN WoahMan WOoooaHMan
Single sided poster
Fluorescent pink ink UV light sensitive

Jersey not Joisey
11”x8.5” folded 5.5”x2.75”
8 page folded zine with poster on inside
Pink paper with white ink

Letter press and relief print ran on Vandercook proofing press

The Holey Bible (misprints)
10.25”x6.875” folded 3.5”x2.5“
Laser cut relief print ran on vandercook proofing press (one side misaligned)

Cooper Black Number One
By Kirsten Maiwaldt & Mila Cloidt
8.5”x5.5”x.5 Smyth sewn exposed binding
Typographic Study

You get the pancakes, I’ll get the eggs?
Relief print with graphite ink